Don't just take our word for it
"Atrium’s service is up there with the best and should be promoted strongly to evidence the quality of the Atrium service experience".
Gracechurch Survey 2011
Claims philosophy
Our team has a wide range of experience covering all classes of business. On average they have over 10 years experience per adjuster within the Lloyd’s market. We maintain a close working relationship with our underwriters, ensuring that we have a full understanding of the intent of each policy.
We value our relationship with our brokers, experts and stakeholders and ensure that we are able to provide an efficient, consistent and commercially aware service.
"At Atrium our experienced and professional claims team maintains a close relationship with our underwriters ensuring a clear understanding of the intent of each policy. We are then available throughout the week with no appointment required to resolve your claim in a courteous and fair manner.”
Neil Riddington - Head Of Claims
We're here to help
Located in Room 790, Lloyd’s, Atrium’s Claims Team are available from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, appointments are welcome but not necessary.
You can also visit our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts for regular updates from the Claims team.
US Claims service
In response to our growing US & Canada Non-Marine property portoflio we have established a local claims service team to liaise with Coverholders, TPA's and adjusters.
The benefit of being local, working to the same timezone as well as experienced adjusters ensures that the service our clients can expect from Atrium is available in both London and the US.
Licensed as a Surplus Lines Broker (License # 0N00364) and Adjuster (License = 2N00364) in California.
Licensed as a Business Entity Producer in Illinois (License # 3001255486)
Our Claims team

Thomas Behrmann
Claims Manager US
United States
Thomas Behrmann ___ Claims Manager US
Location __ United States
Department __ Claims, P&C Binding Authorities
Thom has been serving as coverage counsel, claims management counsel and litigation counsel on various insurance programs, including miscellaneous professional liability, general liability, architects and engineers liability, employment practices liability, directors and officers liability, federal agent liability and excess liability claims.
The insurance product lines often served include lawyers, physicians, allied health professionals, mortgage brokers/bankers, managing general agents, insurance agents, technical consultants, real estate agents, title/abstractor/escrow agents, home inspectors, landlords, property managers and contractors.
Thom has been handling claims since 2003 and brings his expertise to the P&C business of Atrium in the US.
Year Joined Atrium: 2019

Lauren Baker
Claims Adjuster
Lauren Baker ___ Claims Adjuster
Lauren joined Atrium in 2018 as a Claims Adjuster handling North American P+C Binders, International GL and Professional Liability. Lauren began her career in 2011 working as a Broker Technician before joining a Lloyd’s Syndicate in 2013.
Lauren has a BA (Hons) in Egyptology and Ancient History and is ACII qualified.

Thomas Carpenter
Claims Adjuster
Thomas Carpenter ___ Claims Adjuster
Thomas joined Atrium in 2018 and handles Accident and Health claims.
Before working at Atrium Thomas worked for a Lloyd’s travel and PA broker as a Claims Technician.
Thomas has a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Southampton and graduated with a Second-class Honours Upper Division degree in 2016.

Neiha Chohan
Claims Manager
Neiha Chohan ___ Claims Manager
Neiha joined Atrium in 2002 where is she is currently managing non-marine classes including North American P&C Binders, Professional indemnity and International GL. Prior to joining, Neiha worked as a paralegal for a major city law firm handling professional indemnity litigation matters. Neiha has a BA (Hons.) in Law and Marketing, completed her LPC at the College of Law and is ACII qualified.
Year joined Atrium: 2002.

Ryan Cooper
Claims Adjuster
Ryan Cooper ___ Claims Adjuster
Year joined Atrium: 2019.

Clive Harris
Claims Manager
Clive Harris ___ Claims Manager
Clive began his career in 1982 spending five years in Reinsurance Broking and Underwriting before joining the syndicate in 1987. Clive is currently a claims manager handling Accident & Health, Casualty Reinsurance & Aviation claims.
He works closely with the class underwriters and is a member of numerous LMA Claims Committees.
Year joined Atrium: 1987.

Jonathon Hopper
Claims Manager
Jonathon Hopper ___ Claims Manager
Jonathon joined Atrium in 2012 after completing the Lloyd’s Claims Graduate Programme, prior to which he worked for 4 years in environmental consultancy.
He is currently a Claims Adjuster predominantly handling North American P&C binders and International Casualty claims.
Jonathon completed his BA (Hons.) at the University of Leeds, his MSc. at UCL and is ACII qualified.
Year joined Atrium: 2012.

Andrew Johnson
Delegated Authority Oversight & Operations Support
Andrew Johnson ___ Delegated Authority Oversight & Operations Support
Location __ London
Department __ Claims, Underwriting Support

Charles Lee
Claims Handler
Charles Lee ___ Claims Handler
Charles joined Atrium in 2014 and handles Marine, Non Marine D&F and Professional Indemnity. Charles has a wealth of experience from over 25 years in the market across Marine, Aviation and professional risks.
Charles has a BSc (Hons.) from the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology and is ACII qualified.

Neil Riddington
Head of Claims
Neil Riddington ___ Head of Claims
Neil joined the syndicate in 1999 and is the head of claims. Prior to joining, Neil worked for a leading Lloyd’s syndicate handling a wide variety of classes of business including Aviation, Professional Lines, Property and Casualty. Neil has an MA (Hons.) from Cambridge.
Year joined Atrium: 1999.

Vicki Schwab
Claims Adjuster
United States
Vicki Schwab ___ Claims Adjuster
Year joined Atrium: 2017.

Lucy Smith
Claims Adjuster
Lucy Smith ___ Claims Adjuster
Lucy is currently a Claims Adjuster handling a variety of classes of business including Upstream Energy, Marine and Non Marine D&F.
Prior to joining Atrium, Lucy worked for a London Broker handling North American P&C Binders. Lucy is ACII qualified.
Year joined Atrium: 2004.

Simmy Nart
Claims Adjuster
Simmy Nart ___ Claims Adjuster

Natalia Lewis
Claims Assistant
Natalia Lewis ___ Claims Assistant