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Atrium partners with Aching Arms

For the next 18 months, we’ll be supporting Aching Arms – a charity dedicated to supporting bereaved parents through the heartbreak of losing a child, either during pregnancy, at birth or soon after.

Aching Arms is run by bereaved parents. So people who reach out to the charity know they’re talking to someone who understands what they’re going through.

The charity also offers comfort bears, from one bereaved family to another, to remind them they’re not alone in their time of need – they’ve got a community they can lean on to share experiences and help process their grief.

Visit the Aching Arms website to learn more.

We’ll keep you updated with activities and fundraising progress with our new Corporate Charity Partner in the coming months. 

“The Aching Arms’ story is one that’s very close to all of our hearts. Giving grieving parents a community that they can talk to who understand their loss goes a long way to helping them process their grief. We’re proud to support Aching Arms, and look forward to seeing what the Atrium family can achieve with them” said James Lee, Managing Director.

Aching Arms teddy bear